Monday, June 10, 2013

Information On Giving Birth Naturally

Giving birth naturally is something that many women choose despite the options that are now available to them. If you're going to do this without any pain medication or anything else, it's wise to first look at what that means and how that could significantly change the birthing experience.

Childbirth prenatal classes are the first step that women usually take if they are even remotely interested in doing this. During this class, the women will learn what is going to happen with their bodies and they can use their breathing to regulate pain during the birth process. Even though this will not reduce or remove the pain, it helps them stay in control of their reaction and lets them be alert to everything going on with their baby at the time.

Of course, for some women, it's not about being alert but being relaxed. Hypnobirthing is a method you can use to focus your mental attention somewhere else, but still maintain full control of your physical faculties so you can use them as necessary.

Something else to consider are the various birthing positions to choose from, depending on your physical condition and any requirements you may have from a disability. After your OB-GYN asks if you have any questions, you can talk to them about these positions and how each one could change or affect the entire birth procedure. Depending on what stage of labor you're in and how your needs are changing, these positions could change at any time.

During this entire process, not only will the doctor monitor your position but also check the baby through fetal monitoring so there is never an undue amount of stress at any time. The doctor may decide that things are dangerous for either the baby or the mom and will then offer suggestions for treatment. This advice will be important because the birth of every child is different, no matter how many have been born to the woman previously.

It is possible to reduce the intensity of the birth pains, even if you don't use official pain medication. These procedures range from vocalizing in concert with your emotional support team to having a water birth to visualizing certain images when the pain is greatest. There is also the method of counter pressure where family members apply pressure to the woman's body while she is experiencing labor pains. Click the link to get more ideas on Heidi's birth story.

You can have a good natural birth, but you really should take the time to learn about your options before you go through with it. No matter how you get there, you end up with a beautiful new baby, so remember the journey is entirely up to you and whatever suggestions the doctor makes.
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