Monday, June 10, 2013

Using Hypnosis And Relaxation Techniques During Childbirth

One of the ways that women are choosing to make natural birth easier is hypnobirthing. This technique employs the fundamentals of hypnosis and relaxation to help make the birthing process easier. The goal is to make it easier for women to undergo the birthing process naturally, making intervention less necessary.

The basic principle that underlies the technique is that fear of childbirth is unfounded and unnecessary. For many women, the birthing process has been painted, over years and years of anecdotes from other women, as the worst pain imaginable. This naturally leads women to fear the process, which makes them tense and primed for pain. Hypnobirthing proponents claim that this is one of the key drivers of the pain and difficulty that women experience during childbirth.

One of hypnobirthing's most important aspects is teaching women exactly what happens during childbirth. The idea is that when you know what is going to happen, you are prepared for it and more relaxed. Unexpected feelings can make us tense, so knowing what is coming next should make us more relaxed. Our natural reaction to uncertainty and pain is to fight the thing that causes it, but if you know what is happening and why, you can relax and make it easier to experience.

This mindset of making childbirth something that shouldn't be feared even extends to the words used during the process. Calling the process "labor" implies hard work and suffering. Instructors also prefer to use "pressure" instead of "pain" to describe discomfort. This may seem like a small thing, but it can help.

Hypnobirthing implies hypnosis, but the process can more accurately be described as a relaxation technique. The relaxation techniques are used when pressure and discomfort are felt. Doing things like repeating a mantra or using special breathing techniques are how most women focus and relax during the process. Music is also used by some practitioners as it helps occupy the mind and allows it to focus on relaxation instead of discomfort. There are many practitioners and teachers of the process these days and several different schools that teach different techniques to their students. Find out more ideas about Hypnobirthing birth story.

Hypnobirthing isn't a way to get rid of all of the pain associated with the process of childbirth. Rather, the idea is the reduce the pain to tolerable levels, making it less painful than the process would normally be for those not trained in the practice. This makes it easier for women to give birth without the aid of chemical pain killers such as epidurals and instead have a natural birth experience. While not all doctors subscribe to the idea of hypnosis as a substitute for medications, they do believe that you can make pain and other problems worse by being fearful, tense, or unprepared, so preparation and relaxation can help make the process easier for their patients.

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